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Thursday, Oct. 21, 2004 - 12:40 p.m.

The end is in sight-sometimes

I pick up my last Geography video today, and have 3 quizzes left. Should be done by next week in that subject unless I need to do some extra. This week's Geology is about Strike and Dip and reading geological structure maps. No rock ID's-Yay! My other 3 classes are just readin' and writin' so I should be OK.

I think I need a bed-day. Maybe Saturday. I feel so decadent when I have one. Several videos I want to watch (sometimes ones I have seen lots of times, books and magazines piled by my bed, ice-cold cokes and goodies. These days were few and far between when the kids were home, but for the last few years, I have managed one or 2 a year. A long, hot bubble-bath sounds like a good addition to my hedonistic day. OOooh, can I wait til Saturday? Yes, I can. I will not sacrifice the permanent on the altar of the immediate. That is a very deep quote that speaks to me richly, but maybe not in this context.

I really miss french fries, especially shoestrings right out of the fryer with salt. Nobody but a lab tech really knows how good they are. I miss broccoli and cream cheese teezers, too. Sometimes, I really miss gems---but maybe not.


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