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Friday, Oct. 15, 2004 - 9:02 a.m.

Woo hoo!! (have I said this before?)

Thank You, Father!! I got 101% in my geology exam, and 8 points missed were just careless mistakes because I am a ding-a-ling in test moments. I must just take time to go over my test, to eliminate those kind of mistakes. My lab partners, who are all sharp cookies, got in the middle 80's but I'll bet they didn't obsess over studying for the test, either. That's cuz they all have a life. When we did the rock ID in lab yesterday, only one was wrong. I am getting better about identifying rocks, but it was metamorphic which has very distinct signals, and only 7 to choose from. All the real pieces are finally starting to fit together.

One more test this afternoon, 8 essay questions on the 8 lectures so far. That would have been so easy once, to just feed back the lecture. Now with my almost 64 yr old memory, all the points don't surface so easily. I forgot the discussion part of my Child lit assignment also. May have time today to rectify that (especially if I get off of here!) but studying for the test is number one on the hit parade today.

800's little button quail are hatching. They look like fuzzy bumblebees when they hatch, and move just as fast. I could almost get fond of them, if they weren't birds. They would make good pets to keep in a terrarium as they never get very big.


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