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Saturday, Sept. 18, 2004 - 11:49 a.m.

Uckkk`~-spreader pic

Finished an ucky job this morning. I had to mow this back lawn and then decided to clean out under the deck. I have never done that since the first few years we moved here. Once 2d got her dog, we put a fence around it and 2d would keep the grass mowed and other things picked up. Peach died at least 10 years ago and 2d never did clean it again. It just grew long grass and cobwebs. 2d always said she would straighten it up, but I never pushed; that was a sad time for her, and she has a lot of unnecessary guilt about Peach's last days.

Peach had spent her whole life in 2d's room at night, and 2d would get up once or twice a night and let her out. In Peach's last year, she wanted out every half hour or so, and 800 complained. No laws were laid down, so 2d could have continued on the way things were, but instead she started putting Peach back in the pen when bedtime came. There was a big doghouse with rugs and blankets in it, and Peach stayed there in the daytime when 2d was gone. She always spent her afternoons and evenings where-ever 2d was and I don't think her life was horrible, but it was drawing to a close. One morning, 2d found her dead in the doghouse, and took on the load of guilt for that.

So this morning, I drug out the rugs and blankets, raked up the odds and ends, and sprayed disinfectant all around. I think I will move the porch cats' food dishes down there. That area always stays clear of snow, and I don't like the cats congregating on the deck in the cold weather.

So now I am all dusty and have cobwebs in my hair. I'll head for the shower soon.

We had visitors last night, the first in a long time. Old friends from 800's hometown were on their way back from the Midwest. He was always a deacon in the home church, and she took care of 800's mom alot in her last years, shopping and cleaning and so forth. She has Parkinson's, just as 800's mom did, and she has changed alot since we saw her last. But beneath the scanty gray hair, wrinkled skin, and shaking body was the same old gal, warm and friendly and always a little prickly. Just her nature. They stayed about an hour and a half and then she was tired out and they went back to the motel. They must be in their late 70's. Even tho he is in very good shape, that's a pretty brave trip.

I'm glad old age happens as slowly as it does. That gives one time to get used to each new disablement. Here a little, there a little--that's is kind of the definition of eclectic. I can handle that. I'm not getting feeble, I am getting eclectic.

I got 100 on the Geology test. It is a good thing it had lots of bonuses, because there were several things I just could not remember, bits and pieces of the info, but not what was wanted. So far I have 105 average, that is the highest in the clsss up till now, but I shall have to push to keep my scores up. I have read all three bonus books, and have reports done on 2. They can be used as extra for Geography with just a little tweaking. The Geography teacher accepts lots of extra papers, too, except she doesn't assign them. Just whatever piques our interest enough to dig a little deeper in the field of Geography, which is a pretty wide field.

This is something else 2d is going to take with her when she has her own place. It gets moved whenever we mow. I ought to put a few buckets of petunias in there to bloom out over the side, but my intentions are better than my two black thumbs.


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