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Thursday, Aug. 19, 2004 - 8:37 a.m.

Here we go again

It is Thursday,and it rained all nite. The home plumbing broke last nite at 9, but that is minor. It just involves a new shopvac (purchased at Walmart in the middle of the nite) and several hours of intensive labor on this lower floor. The worst thing about water down here is that it must be sopped up after some rug cleaner is added making it wetter or a musty smell develops. Oh well, it will be good for my waist. Uh...what's that?

Blackboard is still not going yet, but I do have my books. Geology looks like I bit off more than I can chew, but we will see. Children's literature contains very very few books I have even read, let alone heard of, but I will try to keep an open mind. The books I read as a child and have reread just for fun probably would not even hold a young one's attention in today's culture. Making pictures in one's head is not necessary nowadays, and books about the Black Stallion, Anne of Green Gables, and Five Little Peppers are not in fashion anymore. And as far as Hans Brinker, or Ivanhoe......maybe Beautiful Joe or Black Beauty, but probably not. Those books have gone the way of the King James Bible, but what a richness we have lost. What a wealth of fine words we have exchanged for baby cereal.


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