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Thursday, Aug. 12, 2004 - 10:54 a.m.


This is the first nite I didn't cry since 2d moved out, but no one will ever know but here. It still hurts, hurts, hurts, but I am so glad she is gone and safe. A big blowup within the family reminds me how glad I am and I just keep reminding myself of the incident when I start to feel badly. I even had to dig out my clip on sunglasses so people can't see my swollen eyes. Pathetic, huh?

The big blowup was the result of someone attempting to apologize for words that were said previously in response to other words said. Attempter forgot number one rule of life here. Don't say any thing back, no matter what is said. Just take it on the chin and shut up. They also forgot rule number two. If rule number one is forgotten, and blowup happens, apology is needed to ever come around again. BUT apology must follow this pattern. Just say 'I am sorry that I ------, please forgive me' and then QUIETLY listen while apologizee rants and raves for as long as necessary about the wrong done by apologizer. Then all is forgiven except when apologizee wants to bring up the wrong done in the future, which will happen over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over-----------in which cases, apologizer must always remember rule number three which is the same as rule number one.

All my children are gone right now and the ones who are not in trouble love the ones who are, so it will get pretty lonely around here. I am glad school will be starting soon. I may add another internet class which will make 20 credits for the semester which should keep me busy and out of trouble. Another ramification is the elimination of all family and holiday dinners until further notice. Oh well. I really like my room. The only thing that would make it nicer would be a laptop.

In the meantime, here is a picture of she, the only child left. She loves me very much and will probably not be able to stay out of trouble either.

She was given to me by 1d when they moved to the apt. 1d rescued She from the pound. The cat book at the library indicates she may be a Maine Coon cat since she has tufted ears, tufted paws, and a huge tail she can fluff out to almost the size of her body when she wants to. She is also twice the height and length of our regular cats. She was spayed and had her front claws removed when 1d got her, so evidently was someone's house cat. She is very affectionate to some, and she follows me all around the place when I am checking the outskirts. She will also jump into my arms from the ground sometimes. She also jumps on the table, but we are working on that. She would sleep on my bed at night if I allowed her to, and 800 has let her in early in the mornings around 5 occasionally and I wake up to find her on my bed. She will pobably be my companion for a while. Tyrone loves me but he sprays everywhere and has to stay outside now. I am befriending a little calico mom when I feed the wild cats in the back. Callie has four kittens under the pile of metal fence posts and has moved them out to the edge of the pile so I can see them. I must get them used to my touch and tame them to give away. Callie too. Or else I must trap her and have her spayed like 2d and I have done with the other females.


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