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Saturday, Jun. 26, 2004 - 11:01 a.m.

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The boat races are starting. It sounds like giant mosquitos and will continue for the next 2 days. 2d says she is going to the hills if she doesn't have anything else scheduled. We had hoped to get 1d totally moved out of her littletown house this weekend but the main muscle man isn't coming from bigbigtown. There is a recall on the product he sells and he has to be involved in it. Sabotage, maybe. If 2s would help physically, it could probably get down. Her washer, dryer and piano are the only things left other than odds and ends. The w and d will have to go in her storage unit and maybe the piano too, although 800 thnks we can get in into her apt with a dolly.

800 has lost 50 pounds since the last of March and will now live forever, so I may get forgiven for having better blood results than he did, but not until after the next doctor visit. He has shown fantastic will power in losing weight to control cholesterol and diabetes. I guess it finally hit him that he might die before me leaving me to live an unrestrained life of licentiousness and frivolity. Fat chance. My blood pressure is about 140-180 over 90-105 and fluctuates upward depending on what stress is inflicted on what day. My times here, in my room and outside on the bench or deck are very peaceful and are what keep me going.


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