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Friday, May. 21, 2004 - 1:57 p.m.

A Slow Day

800 is mowing the lawn. I am done with the necessary housework for the day, and am contemplating either going back to HP and finishing the scanning lessons or going outside and straightening up the side of the shop where all the bottles, insulators, old tools, etc, are arranged(?) in among the chives, hens-and-chicks, and wild roses. The rhubarb needs cleared around too. But since I am rather chilly, I think HP is going to win. I haven't felt this unharried (yes, I spelled it the way I wanted) since January. Oh, the garage is quietly whispering to me, but I have resisted that call for a long time now. In a week or so, it will be time to start classes again, but for now I am just seeing how long I can go between trips to town.

Once supper is over around 6, I usually go to bed and read for a while, sleep to about 3, read some more and get up about 7. It is too cold to go out on the deck so I just wander around for a while, do daily chores, come down here for a while, and continue the pattern of my days.


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