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Wednesday, Apr. 14, 2004 - 1:11 p.m.


I love words. I especially love words that are new and exciting, that perfectly describe in a way no other could, what I want to say. But sometimes they are awfully hard to remember and even harder to work into conversation. Conversation is where they really become part of a person, but one gets some really funny looks if one isn't careful. So I write them down, then forget where the list is.

One word I really fell for many years ago was 'kakistocracy', rule by the worst sort of people. Isn't that a great word. I have only been able to use it once, because it is hard to pronounce of the top of my head. The only time I ever used it was to give it to my team leader at work to confound her boss who would present everybody a word of the day to confound them. He is the only one other than myself that I ever heard use the word 'epiphany' in casual conversation. He also used some other good ones which I can't recall right now, which is my main trouble. Use 'em or lose 'em.

I read another new love in the local TV guide the other day. 'Eponymous'- I had never even seen that word so I had to look it up. It has to do with giving one's name to something. The TV show 'Eve' is an eponymous show because Eve is the name of the actress. There are many eponyms out there. Washington for the state and the city, Britain for the grandson of Aeneus,Brut, America for Amerigo Vespucci, etc. I shall have to think of some more and then see if I can use the word some where.

2d and I were discussing words the other night. She loves them too but doesn't get the same glee in using them. She is still young enough to be intimidated by the mockery of others. We were discussing 'inhumanity' and I used it in reference to the murder of all but three of the Abaco Barbs in the Caribbean. She thought that might be better labeled 'inanimality' and the game was on!! Would the actions of a person who was cruel to people and animals be called 'inanimanity'? Is 'inanimality' the condition of an animal being cruel to another animal? How does the word 'humane' come into the picture. And on, and on, and on. Of such simple pleasures does our life consist. Lots cheaper than going out to eat or to the movies.

I want to explore the topic of the Abaco Barbs here in more detail, but not until the ordeal of my speech is over. Don't want to waste all my inspiration til that is over.


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