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Friday, Feb. 06, 2004 - 12:45 p.m.

Sleepytime Gal

The big push is over, and now next week's big push begins. I don't have to go anywhere at 11, I don't have to go anywhere at 12, I don't have to go any where this afternoon, I don't have to go anywhere tonight, I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow. I think I will take a long nap this afternoon. Then start on the next week of school and homework.

I am happy with Speech class. Did my assignments. Passed first test with 9/10. We had the option to take it again. Only a couple of 9s and 10s according to teacher, so I didn't take the redo test.

Not so happy with Eng Comp 2. It was peer editing night. We were to write a philosophic essay about culture changing behaviour. I chose how mainline churches are being changed by homosexual agenda. I am not in a mainline church but I have watched the progression since Carl McIntire in the early 60s. Apparently I use too many big words since no one knows what ecumenical or amorphous or vagary or phoenix or decimate or hierarchy or lots of other words mean. We have to rewrite our essays on the basis of the peer editing and then meet in conference with the teacher after turning in our rewrite and copies that peers edited.

I have two choices; either expand the essay to explain what the ecumenical movement started, or just go through the essay with a thesarus and find littler words. That will be a first. Usually I drag out the thesarus only after I have used the word 'only' sixty-leven times and need a substitute. I got out the classroom book that we use, a collection of essays, and checked out the essay style. I lack a lot in writing ability but I can toss chipperkacky words around with the best of them. I don't do deep thoughts very well, never have had too many of them. I think I will do a little expanding and a little simplifying and let the teacher decide. I really don't know what to expect yet since she hasn't evaluated any of our writing yet, and I didn't take comp 1.

Writing for others is frustrating. I love to find a word that expresses what I feel or want to describe. There is such satisfaction in that, and I never even think that someone else may find that style ambiguous, or obscure. In Speech, a commentator discouraged us from using words from the shocking past to describe an event today. She (it was Ellen Goodman, don't know why I would be convinced by much of anything she said, anyway)felt calling someone a little Hitler, or labeling something as Gestapo tactics, or picturing 9-11 as a holocaust, was dragging the past where it didn't belong. Of course she has probably also heard herself called a feminazi, a word I just adore. It is so apropo! so wonderfully expressive! so craftily fitted! so--so--so--right for the situation and the situated!

I think I am starting to hallucinate.


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