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Tuesday, Feb. 03, 2004 - 1:56 p.m.

Two faces of old age

Joshua to the elders, heads, judges and officers of Israel: "Be steadfast . . . cleave to the Lord . . . love the Lord your God.... You know in your hearts and souls, all of you, that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God promised concerning you; all have come to pass for you, not one of them has failed."

That is so true for me. You don't owe me a thing. I have received nothing but good from Your hands.

I went to my first walking class today. It worked out well, it is low key enough that I won't dread going. That is good because I have to or else take a 3 credit course with lots of extra assignments. I barely have enough time to do the assignments I have right now. Haven't even touched (other than a thesis statement) the 4 to 6 page essay about pressure, society and culture. I have been thinking lots about the subject so it won't be hard to put down some thoughts. I finished my Communications paper, a disability for a day. I picked a stroke that left my left arm useless. I was surprised by the areas where I handled things ok and the areas where I really felt disabled.

The 3 Math bonuses were the hardest. I had a large selection to choose from for 2 of the papers and picked the Golden Rectangle and Mersenne primes. How children learn about numbers was the third. All three interesting but hard to comprehend.

Seen in a Reader's Digest: If I take my naked clone to the top of a tall building and push her off, is it murder, suicide, or an obscene clone fall?


EE's devotional

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