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Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 - 7:37 p.m.

Time changes things *pic

E was over for a while yesterday as her mom and 800 tested pheasants. We got in a dresser in the garage and got out a Levi jacket her brother had worn 10 years ago and a dress 2d had worn 20 years ago. Later 2d showed e a picture of when she wore the dress. I am going to put it here if I can.

We have all changed so much over the years. 1s has gone to be with the Lord, all us females have gotten older and bigger, so has 800. 2s no longer has a beard, and 3s has lost a little of the dark hair but not much. He looks the most like he did back then.

That was a happy time in my life, but not without problems. We were about as broke as we ever had been. I took a rehearsal dinner up to Canada with us, made up of cheese and meat from the delicatessan I worked at, and cookies and candies I had made. I earned the money for the meat and cheese and had the ingredients to make the rest. We sold the horse and mule to make the trip.

I don't even want to talk about all the changes that have happened then except to say life doesn't always turn out the way one expects. But it doesn't have to. You are in charge of our future and You have led the way. We are all following You home.


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