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Saturday, Jan. 24, 2004 - 7:18 p.m.

Didja miss me?

I've sure missed me this week. My first week of classes and I am exhausted and not even close to done with next class's assignments. I like all my classes and teachers, even the Communications class, but I am sure I will get tired over obsessing about grades. The only one I am having trouble with is Activity by Contract. I haven't got an ok about swimming yet so I am having to do exercises at home. Two and a half hours a week to get credit for this class. So far I have just walked and used the exercycle, both of which I hate. When the weather gets nicer, I can use the three wheel bike.

We all had to take a stress test at the racquetball club. Up and down for three minutes on a step and then take our pulse to find our heart recovery rate. Mine was 81 which the teacher thought was amazing for my age and weight. What she didn't know is that my resting heart rate is between 45 and 50.

I have done a lot on my Library Skills class. Much can be done on the Internet at the campus library. I have access to newspapers, periodicals, and magazines all over the nation and I want to just cruise around when I feel more comfortable about slacking off. The math class is tough, no rules or formulas. Teacher calls it liberal arts math. The first lesson was inductive and deductive reasoning which is always hard for me to decide. I don't like inductive reasoning. I can induce about anything. We had to induce some reasoning about Pascal's Triangle and I could induce just about as much wrong as right. I knew the trick about the little triangles and could have figured out each row that way but that always always works and can't be considered inductive reasoning. At least I don't think so.

We did learn about Babylonian and Mayan number systems which do not have 10 as their base. I was already familiar with this concept from taking some ACE computer PACE's which explained the base system of 2 that computers use, only have 2 numbers, 1 and 0. One of the assignments back them was to figure out another base system and count in that system. I chose 4 and fooled around with it.

The Babylonian system was interesting. Only 2 symbols for numbers; v and <, 1 and 10, with a base of 60. The Mayan system was totally confusing, even tho they had symbols much like ours. No one knows the base they use for sure. They start out with l, then 18 and then continue with 18 and 20. The number 360 fits in there somewhere along with a tilt to astronomy. But by that time I was in over my head and just did the examples following the charts. Hope we don't have test questions on either one of those topics.

Well, I have now bored my self silly and probably You too. Please help me to think clearly and sort through all this mess of new information.


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