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Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 - 3:43 p.m.

Snake eating an egg

Yes, I know the title is a little obscure, but if you have ever seen a snake eating an egg or a mouse, you will be able to identify with how I feel after taking a really big bite. I bogged way down on optional fields and how they work.

Elisabeth Elliot has stopped her bi-monthly newsletter that I have received for many years. But her devotionals seem to have gotten longer. That is nice. I was able to put the website on the bottom of this journal. They are not the usual devotional of a Bible verse or two and then some exposition. Rather they are almost like journal entries themselves by a godly woman who has walked with You for many years and has much wisdom to share with others. My Titus 2 woman.

800 was bemoaning his sight of a Brittney Spears wannabe in a gas station whose 'man' was trying valiantly to protect her backside from the view of others(and with her 'help', not succeeding)and what the response of onlookers should be. Men definitely should probably not utter a rebuke for fear of a harassment charge, but should those of the same gender offer a comment that, while not unkind, could not be construed as encouragement?

I remember, in my younger and more foolish years (late 30s), following the cavalcade of 800 and the boys moving equipment out of Nevada after a fence job. We were all driving slowly and passing a young woman strutting her stuff down the side of the road in very short cutoffs with cheeks showing blatantly. I rolled down the window and as we drew alongside, I told her that something was hanging out of the back of her pants. I observed alot of grabbing and clutching and dancing around in my rearview mirror and even thought I may have seen her give us an unusual salute, but by that time we were well down the road and my vision may have been a little obscured. The girls, 15 and 5, were with me in the car and were properly horrified that I would do something so vulgar!

Well, I was trying to be an older woman. Guess I needed alot more practice.


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