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Saturday, Jan. 03, 2004 - 11:45 a.m.

What is going on here?

Something is happening in my journal! First I had an email in my hotmail concerning gold membership yesterday. Advertising hype, I thought and deleted it. Then I had a message in fotki.com about activating gold, no signature. Hmmm, I thought. Then when I come here to make an entry, there are alot of new bells and whistles. Am I the victim of a drive-by gifting? I shall have to investigate more.

Speaking of fotki.com, I am a little concerned. I really like the set up there and going directly to my album is ok, but if one goes to the homepage, there are a lot of questionable places to visit. I would hate to stumble anyone by directing them to a place that could cause their foot to slip. Why is it that no one wants to look at pictures of guys with cellulite, flabby thighs and grungy underwear? Just another mystery of human nature that haunts my quiet meditations on life (but not for long-tee hee)

We continue to get more snow. The effects are starting to tell on a population that hasn't faced the responsibilities of the type of weather that used to be a common winter occurrence in this area. Wrecks, slideoffs and fatalities have abounded over the Christmas and New Year holiday.

"Why can't people just stay home and huddle around the fire?" one police officer asked. Most folks I know (not itimately but observe) go to town every day whether they are working or not. With so many women in the workforce, it is not just dad that leaves every day. Then there are all the activities that children are involved in.

In my time, and my children's time, you were lucky if there was money to participate in one hobby. Music lessons in one instrument, sports in one area, crafts or hobbies in one area. 2d said she will never try to schedule a Christmas recital again. Students have events every night of the week from the first of December on. Most of her students also have a sport they participate in each changing season, gymnastics, dance or both, school activities and church activities. She is having fewer and fewer students who really grow accomplished in piano or voice, or have any desire to. Jacks of all trades, masters of none.

I think that may translate into the trouble people are having with the weather around here. Several have died in avalanches, both in the open and in cabins, and a ski instructor is missing in Solvale right now. "Go, go, go, do, do, do, buy, buy, buy" is the cry and common sense has flown out the window as the pursuit of gratification without thought of consequence or responsibility increases. The herd mentality agrees and encourages the foolish choices, and older wiser heads are disappearing into the mist. Older folk are labeled naysayers and doomtellers and sometimes that is correct. I know that when I was young, I thought I was invincible. Increased years have brought increased observation that bad things do happen to anyone, even with careful thought and planning.

Cultural life is getting scary. I see so many more ramifications appearing as the result of our culture's tossing out our godly heritage and all recognition of You. I expected the crime and sin, was not surprised at the disappearance of courtesy, but am beginning to see the erosion of parameters I had taken for granted. You are our Shelter in the gathering storm.


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