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Monday, Dec. 22, 2003 - 2:54 p.m.

I am so-o-o-o good.

He who tooteth not his own horn shall not have his horn tooted. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! I posted another photo to fotki.com and then made a permanent link to it on my template, using information that a cyber friend passed along last year. Thanks again, Brainwaves.

Jc invited me over for coffee this am and to see her tree. I took the camera, shot some pics of her farm animals and sent them to her. She is getting ready to do some camera work too. She is way ahead of me as far as using photos in her documents but I hope to take Image editing next semester.

All my Christmas preps are done. I didn't buy much in the way of presents. Now I have to wrap them. I did get 800 an Uzi. It shoots BBs as long as he pulls the trigger and should help with cats on the deck. It won't do any permanent damage, but he'll be able to get a few(!) more shots off. The BB rifle had to be reloaded after each shot and with 800's tremors, that was a chore sometimes. It was under $30 and the boys will be jealous.

Last night was the Christmas party at church. I won't call it a program because I don't have much use for programs anymore. Anyone that wanted to just did what they wanted: singing, instrumentals, groups, poems, readings, Scripture. It was all for You, I hope You were pleased. 2d is probably the most professional of the batch but she is so helpful and humble that we don't mind seeing her up there alot as she helps in duets, accompanies, or just does her own solo. She even got roped into helping her old mother. Yes, I have not permanently retired but perhaps I shall after last night. I was going to do the old Kitty Wells C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S song with a verse I added to it when I first started playing it for Christmas programs. I always used the guitar and 2d harmonized with me. The last time I did it was 5 or 6 years ago and I noticed then that I had a hard time keeping the letters in Christmas straightened out with the guitar chords,'D7 is for the Christ child born upon this day, G for Herald angels in the night'! I haven't played consistently enough over the last 15 years for the chord changes to come naturally and usually have to have them written in above the words. After practicing for 3 days last week I had decided not to do it, but got talked into it again at the last minute. 2d said she would help and had the piano music. Well, she didn't like the piano tempo so we drug out the auto harp and practiced that til she got a blister, then got out the banjo which she is getting good on quickly but not quickly enough for last night. So she played the piano and sang the harmony and it is a good thing she sang. I have never sang it to the piano accompaniment and do you think I could find the place to start? Not with both hands! She quickly took over the melody until I could catch up and then everything went fine.

We are such a small group and all such rank amateurs (except 1 and 2d) that there is alot of grace spread around. Plus we love each other and even those who have heard much better love it all. It is such a good way to get started. Down through the years I have seen folks that could have developed nicely quit cold because of first time flops. Afterwards we had chili, cornmuffins, chips and salsa, meat and cheese, veggies and dip, and lots of sweets. The fellowship was great.


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