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Saturday, Dec. 20, 2003 - 4:13 p.m.

I did it!!!!!

Right here. My very first photo posted in cyberland. My little $9 digital takes nice pictures in bright sunlight and that is ok by me. I also signed up for Windows Messenger and talked to sis for a while. It was fun. She does the hunt and peck system so only writes about 3 sentences at a time, while I type like crazy and tell everything I know. While I was waiting for her to reply I found out how to change the fonts, add emoticons, and send files with the pictures of 1d and bunch. She didn't know how to open the file though so I sent the photos again as email.

I spent about 2 hours over at 1ds setting up Baby for them and telling them how special she was to me and how I hoped they would take good care of her. I left more encouraged about their situation than in a long time. The house was just sparkling and even though 1d knew I was coming and had cleaned, there have been lots of times when she knew and didn't. Plus things weren't just straightened, they were clean. I was glad to see that because I would have hated to see the computer become a stumbling block to her time-wise. She put her arms around me and said 'Thank you and I love you.' I was touched.


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