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Thursday, Oct. 09, 2003 - 10:06 a.m.

Another Thursday serendipity

Guess what I bought? Here are some hints. It is green, it has 4 tires, you sit on it---no, not a John Deere lawn mower. I don't know what one would call it. A sitdownerwhileyouworkintheyard, maybe?

It has a big metal tractor-type seat with holes in it that goes up and down like a piano stool. It has a bolted on tray under the seat. The seat swivels around so you can go sideways, backwards, and forwards. It only cost me $16. If 800 and I can't find some use for in in our declining years of yard work, I shall be surprised.

I had a very nice birthday. 1d fixed a picnic in Storybook Park, and bought a cupcake cake. It was in the shape of a very green frog and E said I was supposed to kiss it and see if it turned into a prince. I told her 'no thanks, tried that once and it doesn't work'. 2d painted and framed a lovely seascape. She has a talent we never dreamed of. 800 gave me a Thomas Kinkade dayplanner for my new school adventures. A whole month is on one page and then there is room to write daily entries for several pages before the new month. That will help me keep track of classes and assignments, bills and other things that I am having trouble keeping up with.


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