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Saturday, Sept. 27, 2003 - 12:51 p.m.


I feel like a little kid at the end of summer--I don't want to go back to school, especially to take something as dry as Library Science.

Spent most of the day at the college and the Job service. Filled out an admissions application, got a number and took the Compass test. That was the only nice part of the day. I scored 99 and do not have to take English I, but can go right to English II. I also do not have to take any more Algebra,but can take a contemporary Math class just to fill out the requirements, but I do have to take 64 to 70 credits---That is six semesters!!! No-o-o-o-!

I need to look at this just like a job which will earn me about $14,000 a year doing something in the daytime with weekends off, and evenings free if I so choose, each year of which will replace one of my working years in which I did not earn that much money which will, in turn, make my SS check that much bigger

O K I have made the necessary mental adjustment (self-brainwashing) Yay-y-y-y- school is almost here!!!

I am sure I will feel much more like doing all this when all the preliminaries are over and the job is over too, not to mention Christmas will be past by that time, also. I am such a wimp.

In an entirely different direction: I read Christianity Today for the first time in years. I was amazed at how alienated I felt while reading the magazine and looking at the advertisements for books and schools. That magazine was always a bit more removed from my idea of the practical Christian life than say, Moody Monthly--but across the ocean? (metaphorically speaking) Please Father, keep our little group going--I don't want to be an orphan again.


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