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Thursday, Aug. 07, 2003 - 3:46 p.m.

It's official-----again.

We got the word last week that the plant will close Nov. 1, 2003. Those of us who stay til then will receive $1000+ bonuses, appreciation and attendance gift certificates, 3 months insurance,vested retirement payments, unemployment checks for up to 2 years and retraining opportunities.

I will get 5 and one half weeks of vacation pay also so I should walk out with almost $4000 in November. Then the rest of my life starts. Shall I go back to school? I could get a library degree in under 2 years, but that would be a little like a drunk tending bar. I have already been approached to apply part time at our local library. More that 20 hours a week would bring benefits but the hourly pay is one third of what I make now and it would take several jumps to get to 20 hours. I could take age 62 retirement, get $400+ and $150 a month work retirement, and still probably get $800 a month unemployment for a year or two. However with my luck, they would probably find me another lab job!

Well, whatever I choose, I don't have to decide for 2 1/2 months. Lots can happen in that length of time. Over and above all is the solid fact that my times are in Your Hands. My daily provision and everything else I need comes from Your Hand, filtered through Your love and Your plans for me. I am content.


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