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Monday, Apr. 14, 2003 - 12:56 p.m.

Trouble ahead?

1d and e are sitting 8 or 10 feet away watching TV as I sit here at the computer. About 2 hours ago at their place, 1d had some sort of seizure. She doesn't remember anything about it but the side of her tongue is chewed up and she is shaky and quavery voiced. E, only 4, ran down a block to get a neighbor she knows and got help. She told me spit was coming out of her mom's mouth. 1d is waiting now to see if the doctor will see her or wants her to go into the hospital. The office won't be open for about an hour so they are waiting here. I think I had better drive them in. I was planning to go to town to pay a bill due tomorrow and get some Money orders for some other bills.

This episode of 1d's is just one more of 2 years of medical emergencies. Her heart is now affected, she has serious sleep apnea and diabetes and now this. The doctor has finally been able to get the diabetes under control, she is losing weight and has been able to go back to 40 hour work week just a few days ago after spending 3 weeks off tending E who is recovering from mono. E is no longer contagious, but cannot go back to daycare yet because she gets too stimulated. I have cared for her when I get home in the mornings until 1d gets off at 2:30.

We are going to have to pull together even more. 1d, e and d may have to come over here and sleep down here in the family room for a while. There is a set of bunk beds 1d and d can use, and a fold up bed for e to use. Some one will have to take d to school in little town and pick him up. 2d probably in the am and 800 or I in the afternoon. it is a good thing ski season is over. I don't know what is going to happen, but I do know You are in charge.

Years ago, 800 and I gave all our children to You. Our prayer has always been that You will do whatever it takes in their life to bring them to Yourself and keep them walking with You. That is a scary thing to pray. Proverbs 21:31----The horse is prepared against the day of battle; but safety is of the Lord. You are my hiding place..may 1d find You to be hers.


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