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Monday, Mar. 31, 2003 - 11:57 a.m.

Garden plans

I am very reluctant to make elaborate garden plans since most of my gardening attempts fall flat, but I have been doing a little thinking about spring. I will take the wire from around the little space I use now. 2d's wild rabbit disappeared over the winter and will probably not be around to nibble. I don't know why we always called it her wild rabbit, unless it was because it did not live in a pen like the others. It was always important to 2d that it not be caged, even when dangers abounded. I don't think dangers caused it to disappear. It had been moving very painfully for several months and probably had arthritis. But it would still come around house to get its crackers and always appeared at feeding time to follow her out to the back.

It would often visit Dolly the horse in her pen and probably escaped some dangers that way. I have heard that skunks eat rabbit and we have several around, but the rabbit never seemed to worry. The wild toms didn't bother it either. I have seen it rise up on its hind legs and leap at a cat that got too inquisitive. It came to the bottom of the deck stairs for several days before disappearing and just sat in the sun. Our animals have done that many times just before they died. It must be a way of saying 'goodbye'

If I do get adventurous concerning gardening, I think I shall get bigger tomato plants. The shock of being planted in my garden sets them back for a long time.It would be nice to have a green thumb. The house is filled with luscious plants but they are just the ones that have survived the ill treatment they get. Actually benign neglect is probably a better term for what they get around here.

Every once in a while, 800 and I engage in a little war in which he micro-manages where and how they shall live, and I retaliate by pouting and throwing away the whole kit and kaboodle, vowing never to play the game again. But invariably I weaken and start little snippets I get from here and there, or buy pretties I see here and there.

Pouting is actually quite fun. Cutting one's nose off to spite one's face is also good exercise. Of course, I am very very careful never to pout about something that I cherish, I just cart it off to the bedroom and hide it away. I spend a lot of time in that room not just sleeping. If I had this computer in there, I would probably live there fulltime, venturing out only long enough to raid the fridge or the cupboards. This big house is wasted on me, but I don't want anything smaller. It does all of us good to have room to spread out. The forays I do make seem like exciting adventures.

O wow, a trip to the utility room!

O wow, sitting down to read the paper at the dining table!

O wow, having tea on the deck!

O wow, watching the big TV in the family room!

Isn't life thrilling!!!! And there are more exotic places to visit another day!!!


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