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Saturday, Mar. 29, 2003 - 10:44 a.m.

The End (of the week)

My work week ran the gamut of blissfully unstressful like last nite, when I turned the line over to my trainee almost completely (only popped in occasionally to catch her up and check her computer entries) to excruciating agony with every step like three days ago on our cleanup shift (even lying in bed later was so painful I almost shed tears)

One step at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time--that is my game plan for the most part. Your grace is sufficient for me, for Your strength is made perfect in weakness. And weak is what I am getting. I don't compare myself with my 30's and 40's. I can look back only to 8 years ago and see such a decline in muscle ability. Even 4 years ago found me throwing 30 pound cases around effortlessly on seg. But it could be worse----one hundred or so years ago could have found me sitting in the kitchen, barely able to see, stirring the soup pot, tending the babies, so a stronger daughter could do the heavy labour I could no longer see to do. Glasses are a wonderful invention and painkiller even more wonderful!

800 is feeling under the weather, a runny nose, cough, sore throat and general ickiness have him down. I hope he doesn't get mono and strep like grand-daughter e. She is no longer running a fever but is very listless, and gets flushed with any exertion.

It will be a quiet weekend with 1d and e staying close to home, and everyone else in bigbigtown and points north. d rode along with 2d up there and will stay with the uncles, 1s and 2s, until she gets back from DSL training at Brundage. Then all the southerners will trek back home leaving 2s in peace once again. That is what he gets for buying a big 4 bedroom home!

800 is right-none of them is very motivated to get married because they get all the companionship they need from each other, and sublimate all the sexual urges under the topic of Christan living. The 2 with children share the experience generously with their siblings so no one has an overwhelming urge to have more littles. I think they are all very selfish and resposibility-avoiding, but that may be sour grapes talking.

Actually I have to admire their self-control and wisdom in decision-making. Each has chosen, for often vastly different reasons, a road less travelled by most their age. Some of the choices have been prompted by disaster and disappointment, some have been prompted by observation of disaster and disappointment.


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