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Sunday, Mar. 23, 2003 - 5:32 p.m.

I'm baaaaack!!

It has been hard to update lately. Even trying different times and repeatedly has not worked. I have posted a couple of times in my 'notes' and have set up a 'hold' entry since I can edit even when I can't get on any other way. I can just delete the previous hold entry and add a new one when I can get on. That way when I have something I am just burning to say, there will be a place.

Last week was very full for me in every area of my life. On Monday, I went with 1d to the Doctor (she was not goiont to let that 200+ blood pressure lie quietly) It was down to 180/105 which was still high but eased my mind. Dr gave me an additional prescription that is supposed to lower BP and also slow pulse rate. I do not think I want the pulse lowered any since it was 47 last week and usually hovers in the low 60's. My children all have low pulse rates also. We believe in efficiency, I guess. I shall have to do some internet searching to see what low pulse rates signify.

My new glasses were ready that afternoon but I had already prepared for bed so 800 went and picked them up for me. Baby e has mono along with suspected strep so 1d is taking some vacation time to be with her. I am glad she didn't have to continue working as I would have offered to babysit in the first part of the day and sleep later. The twelve hour day and the other ones we have to work the next 2 weeks while other lab techs on other shiftshave vacations will be wearing enough. Several little serendipities made for a very satifactory week.

I found a new insulated mug, a long slender one with Van Gogh's Starry night around it. I found a video of Little Women with Wynona Ryder that is very good, but it makes me want to watch the one with June Allyson as Jo again. The lab team leader engaged me in conversation at lunch about the war and its tie-ins with end times. I am not a big prophecy bug, but was able to explain why believers have a Hope that keeps us at peace in these times.

800 is seeing wonderful responses in his studies at the care centers and that is coming home. Life is so good, even in the pain, and so full of satisfactions. If it is this way here, Heaven will be overwhelmingly so.

You are so good to me; my cup runs over and over and over.


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