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2003-02-27 - 10:12 a.m.

It's time

Time to take a stand. Occasionally in life, there comes a moment when one must say, 'This is what I believe.' For a person who believes strongly in keeping one's head down, and not making waves, these times do not occur as frequently as for some.

'Let the redeemed of the Lord, say so." That is a belief I have never hesitated to vocalize, but I have others that are important to me, and recent and current events compel me to stand up and be counted on issues.

I support President Bush and his advisors in the current war issue. I do not like war and I hope we can find a way to settle things, but I also have to trust the man I voted for to make decisions based on advice and knowledge I do not have. That is why I voted for him. There is no way I can have complete knowledge on everything. There are experts on important issues and their knowledge is what I rest on. I did not vote for Bill Clinton, I have no respect for the man and his personal ethics but the office of the Presidency goes beyond personalities and I had to trust him on matters of utmost importance. I am sure that folks who are on the opposite side of the fence are sincere in their beliefs also, and since they are strongly voicing their opinions, I must do so also. The consequences facing either side's actions may be devastating. We must just take what comes.

I do not live in a dreamworld of seeing my government as perfect. Gary Powers and the U2 incident showed me that when I was very young. But most of us do not know all the story nor should we. In our state, our governor just took alot of flack for calling in guards around the statehouse and other such security measures. This morning after the arrest of a very questionable man who is said to have funnelled $300,000 to a terrorist organization back East and who has created websites encouraging more suicide plane attacks, our governor reveals that he knew this information and the investigation that was going on and had to do some unpopular things while being unable to justify them to us. Duh, do we have to know everything? I think not. We are not able or trustworthy to be in on every issue confronting our leaders.

Having a husband who was in a security group in the service has always made me aware there are things going on that require trust in authority. That is part of living in a society rather than being a hermit.

While my head is sticking up, here are a few more of my beliefs. I believe abortion is murder and have made it my litmus test in voting. I believe having sexual relations with a person of the same gender, or outside of marriage, is sin, so is worrying, lying, gossip and unkindness, to mention only a few that I know about. God is in the forgiveness and change business, and I have my own sins, secret and not-so-secret, that He and I are dealing with.

Is my head up high enough? Can I hear the cocking of rifles? So be it. Oh, yeah... blue is not my favorite color, either.....and(in a whisper) I don't like dogs as well as I like cats.


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