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2003-02-14 - 11:27 a.m.


I woke up last night to find a very large red heartshaped tin of Mrs. Field's Decadent Chocolates by my bed. I even shared them! They are very good, much like the old Whitman chocolates before they started turning out product for the masses. The chocolates had creamy fillings and nuts in the ones I have tasted; a maple, vanilla and another maple, I think. There is a menu of what kind of chocolate on the bottom of the can but the print is too small to read upside down and I don't want to upset all the candies out of their niches. I guess I will find out what kind they were after the box is empty. 800 also bought 8 small boxes of Whitman's for the kids and grands and a whole case of candy heart packages.

I had to give him a special gift also. He doesn't like it when we kids buy each other Valentine gifts. Only Dad is supposed to do that in his mind. So I cashed my last check and gave him $800 to do whatever he wants to about the Lincoln.

It is still such a pretty car, but the onboard computer makes beeping sounds which drives 800 crazy which in turn drove me crazy. Now the air ride system has failed and anyone who drives it feels every bump in the road and is tossed up and down in the seat. It can be fixed for $800 and since 800 has take a car to the chaplain services he has started again, we must have 2 driveable rigs. His diesel is on its last legs and he doesn't want to put alot more into it. But he doesn't want to tie himself up in pickup payments either. He only needs a pickup for hauling feed for his wild game birds and hunting deer and elk in the fall. If he went out of the bird business now that he is busy chaplaining again, he would have plenty of money to make payments on a pickup, but I don't dare mention that. He will have to come to that decision on his own. The rent he pays on the buildings he keeps the grown birds in is sizeable. He could still keep a few birds out in the shop to lay eggs and he could raise the chicks in the shop too. That is how he started out before visions of bird empires took over.

He is a big boy so he can decide. All I know is I don't want to think about that Lincoln again. It is worth $800 to keep the peace. It will take me about 2 months to recover that much into my savings and then I will pay off the Marquis, then get new glasses, then look into getting my knee fixed.

Knee, you keep going, you hear?! We don't have time or cash to fix you yet. In a little bit, so just keep taking one step at a time.

We had 2 days of constant drizzle now so perhaps we can escape having to put in a new well. I sure hope so as that will stretch me alot.


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