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2003-02-01 - 11:58 a.m.

Columbia down

I was watching the morning news show while 800 wandered in and out preparing to go to big town when the announcement of Columbia's loss of transmission and six minute overdue landing was made. Now it is only minutes until the President will be speaking. But the most important thing has already been said. They are gone. Once those words have been spoken, the rest is only trappings. It is a sad thing but great advances are always accompanied by tragedy. That is part of the price paid. Part of the excitement of exploration is the chance of death.

'They did not return safely to earth, but we may pray that they returned safely home.' Those are wise words uttered by Bush. He does not assume all that die are safe, but he does hold out that possiblility. It makes me feel he may know some of the deep truths of the Bible. So many nowadays hold to the idea that all paths lead to God, all are His children, all (except the deserving evil guys) will in the end go to Heaven. We hold suppositions that have no substance in Scripture. Only in Your Word can we find out what the real truth is.

My days off change this week. The next three months I will be off Sunday and Monday. It will be hard to fit into the new schedule for a week or so. With only one vehicle running reliably, the 12 hour shifts and stay overs may interfere with 800's geriatric services. He will have to get his old diesel or the Lincoln fixed, or get something different. That is what he is looking into today. That may mean some changes in lifestyle, in the bird area probably. A care center in bigtown wants Bible studies and Sunday services like he did in the late 90's. He has tendencies to take very big bites, too.


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