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2003-01-29 - 10:27 a.m.

Two serendipities at a time!!!

Little sis sent me her email addy along with a very short note as she had to go to work. I am looking forward to lots more!! I sent her some CallWave information so she can still get messages while she is on the computer and I also sent family addys. I think BIL will quickly get hooked on the computer so she will be lucky if she has much time with it.

DIL from Canada also got in touch with us for the first time in six months. I am so glad. I always let her set the tone of our relationship and the frequency. She has remarried and a dead husband's family could present problems altho George is a nice guy. Anyway they moved east to a large city and when packing she found 1s' birth, death and marriage certificates and also a photo album he had made after leaving home. It was such a blessing! Thank You for giving him to us for 27 years. It was worth all the pain of losing him to have had him for those years. Though he wasn't perfect, he never broke our hearts by any major disobedience or insolence. No slamming of doors, scowls on his face, back talk or any of the things he could have done and even been warranted in some of them since we weren't perfect parents either.


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