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2003-01-20 - 11:15 a.m.

Plans gone agley

Remember that turkey soup I was making? It didn't want to be soup, it wanted to be stew and have dumplings on top. I always listen to sound advice, so dumplings it was. I don't know why this family loves dumplings so much, especially when I never seem to take the time to get out the Betty Crocker recipe book so I can 'get it right'. They always taste good, just different from last time. I know generally what proportions of flour, milk, shortening, and baking powder to use and from there, I just wing it. And whether to cook 15 minutes covered and then 15 minutes uncovered, or is it the other way around---?

If by some odd chance there are a few dumplings left over, it is always a case of 'may the best man win'. I was the best man Sunday morning, but by the time I got the leftover stew and one lonely dumpling out of the microwave, the dumpling had gotten much smaller with a suspicious fresh cut clear out of the side. No one would admit to hijacking half the dumpling, but surely I couldn't have been wrong about the size of it to start with!

Well, I am very very sleepy. We got finished with the plant cleanup 4 hours early on our 12 hour day and got to come home early. How nice. Now I shall go upstairs, get into my nice warm waterbed, cuddle up my feet in the soft fuzzy fleece blanket that 2s and the grandgirls gave me for my birthday and gather up the raveled sleeve of care (boy, did I mess up that quote but that is all my tired brain is capable of now) I have Sunday's PBS broadcast of Monarch of the Glen taped and hopefully I can stay awake to watch it. I think it is near to the end of the series and I am going to miss it.


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