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2003-01-09 - 12:17 p.m.

From the bottom of my heart

Finished the first week of the new year, the first week after resting the knee and I am OK. Lots of pain in the foot but I am finding ways to alleviate that. Thank You very much. A complete healing would be very nice, but I shall take whatever You send, whether healing or fortitude.

I have had delightful satisfying sleeps. Whoever thought I should enjoy turning off the light, cuddling up to the pillow, nestling in the warm blankets and sleeping? Me? the night owl? who picks up a book at the slightest sign of sleeplessness?

E is grammy-sitting today. She loves to come over now, much better than going to daycare and playing with the kids. She and Poppa spend alot of time reading her books when she is here. He has always been very good to read to the kids. Not me, I would rather teach them to read and then we can go to the library together and sit and read together! She and I talked today about when she learns to read and what fun it will be!

This is the hard part of winter for me. So long to any significant time to look forward to. LIDDI. It is the time to enjoy the very small comforts of life. An icy cola, a warm fire or heater, a soft water bed, a tasty hamburger, a friendly kitty--these are the small pleasures of my life.


EE's devotional

newAutumn Leaves

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