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2003-01-08 - 10:35 a.m.

Good news and bad news

The good news is that my knee is not as bad as before Christmas and I am not taking the painkillers. The bad news is both feet hurt excruciatingly. The last time one hurt this bad was when I had limped so long because of the bad knee. At that time, I got a pressure fracture in my foot. The foot that is bearing most of my weight this time hurts the worst but the other one does too. I am trying different shoes, and different inserts that I have had. Nothing is working yet. I hate to spend any money on new shoes especially since that may not do any good. Guess I shall just grit my teeth.

I guess I should be glad of a little new pain since this has been a very slow week in my life. Get up, go to work, come home, go to bed, get up, go to work, and so on and so forth.

800 came in last night and asked what I had done with the extra jar of coffee. I told him I hadn't done any thing with it. I must have, he replied, since it wasn't there. In order to avoid argument, I said that if I had moved it, I didn't recall doing it and had forgotten. He told me it is not going to work--forgetting if I did something and then forgetting what I did. Soon I asked him if he found the coffee, and he answered, 'What coffee?' We are a pair. Poor 2d, she is going to have to get her own place just to stay sane.


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