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2001-12-30 - 6:37 a.m.

Sunday morning

Sunday morning------------

As I sit with my hot cider, I think and type about my plans for the day. Usually I am on the last few hours of my "Friday" with swelling legs and unfinished lab chores. I have enjoyed these days off even if I spend a good part of the night awake.

Sundays are my busiest days. It is into the shower and off to Sunday school and church, home to cook a Sunday dinner for 3 to 9, reading the papers and off to bed. Today since I am here early, there will not be the mad dash at 8:30 to start the activities. No roast to prepare this week. I shall pull a couple of packages of elk steak out of the freezer in a few minutes, prepare Jello and do the mashed potatoes, vegetable and salad when we get back from church. 2s and the girls may be over and perhaps 1d and children. Everybody likes mashed potatoes, gravy and Jello so that is a safe meal.

2s' girls are picky eaters altho they are now quietly picky and he strongly encourages them to try a little of everything. They eat mainly pre-prepared food at blb's house, usually macaroni and cheese and Hamburger helper, both of which I like too in moderation. They are not used to mushrooms in sauces, candied carrots, creamed peas, Harvard beets and other such foods. Green beans dumped straight into a microwave bowl are familiar to them, not with sauteed bacon and onion. It is not an issue with me. Not a threat to my culinary skills, and I always figure there is enough they will eat that they will not leave the table hungry. However, filling up on the Jello, olives, fruit so that others may not have helpings has to be monitored somewhat. O my, grandma is still in the etiquette business.

I've been praying for Daniel's family this morning. This is the beginning of many firsts. The first Sunday without him, the first New Year's, the first ski day, the first, the first, the first. I remember the calendar of firsts well. He will be buried tomorrow and a memorial service held the 2nd. 2d will play for the congregational singing of 4 or 5 hymns. What a Friend We Have In Jesus, Joyful Joyful, Dare to be a Daniel. It will be hard to sing that one.

The boys around his age that have all played together request that song often and it will have new memories now.

800 and I took some Beef Strogonoff and noodles, and chocolate Bundt cake with penuche frosting over to them. The room was filled with comforters, but they clung to us and wept. There is a kindred bond between parents who have lost a child. The 3 older children in their late 20's and having a great part in the raising of the 3 younger must feel the same grief as a parent. Wrap Your Arms around them,Father. You know that grief, too. The pain will never go away until we are in eternity, but the edges will wear off.

In the death of a Christian, it is not for the one gone that we grieve, we know the incomparable future that they have entered into. 'O death, where is thy sting? grave, where is thy victory?' Rather it is for ourselves that we feel such pain and agony. The empty place in our lives, the missed fellowship, all of the things that made that one precious are gone, never to be replaced on this earth. And that is all we know, this earth. What lies ahead is shadowed and unknown. All we can do is follow the One who has gone ahead and trust Him.


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