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2001-11-23 - 4:22 p.m.

After Thanksggiving

After Thanksgiving------------

Made a short entry yesterday morning, but something must have happened to it. The jist of it was what ever happened the rest of the day, I was thankful to have a Saviour, and to be a child in Your family.

Thank You for a good holiday. The meal and the companionship both were good, with only a few tense moments. I was so tired after eatiing and cleaning up that I went to bed before dessert, but I figure with 2 grown girls in the house, dessert will be taken care of. And it was.

3s got here about 10 and stayed all nite and left about 5 this am to deliver in Poky and IDF. He is always so easy to get along with, but he knows his limitations and avoids confrontations. 2s did work but dropped in just before we ate and had more turkey and selected other items. I think he may have had a negative medical this year as he is going to the exercise club and watching his eating. That is a good thing because he is built like Daddy, who had a stroke at 50 and heart attack at 54. I'm built like that, too, but since I don't drink or smoke, I may eke out a few more years, and have already done so.

Had a neat serendipity on Wednesday. I have thought lately of putting some favorite things here, so I don't have to keep track of them by little clippings here and there. I thought of the first poem that ever moved me, especially after reading a new one the Brit has written. Poetry is strange. Some I like and some is just there. I have always loved Edgar Allan Poe, and his unique feet, poetry-wise, and I have saved odds and ends of others that seemed special in one way or another.

In the very early 50's, when I was 9 or 10ish, I would save up my money and walk down to the little store on Riverview Road once a month to get the newest Horselover's Magazine. I would read all the articles and dream over the horses, especially the Arabs. The May 50 or 51 issue had a magnificent poem in it and I read it over so much, I memorised most of it. To this day I can say the first stanza even though I hadn't seen the whole thing til Wednesday. Thinking to put down at least what I could remember here, I casually did a search for the whole poem. I had done so once before in Dogpile with no results, but this time used northernlight since it deals more with printed material. To my surprise, I came up with lots of hits. I think I shall print it here soon.


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