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2001-11-20 - 9:35 a.m.

Maurice Chevalier

Maurice Chevalier-----------

"I'm so glad that I'm not young anymore----"

There are some benefits of getting older. One is I am a lot slower to get things off my mind and out my mouth. It gives me time to sort out what I really want out in the open. Another good thing about aging, and probably the best, is a short memory. Give it a little time, and I have forgotten or at least put it back in that deep cave where I don't go very much. Did I ever mention that I am not very introspective? That has its pluses and minuses. On the minus side, I don't spend much time seeing if things are my fault..that is not worth much time since for most of my adult life, things have always been my fault. Why go there by yourself if someone else takes you there quite regularly?

On the plus side, I have forgotten--

I thought for a while yesterday of writing of the elephant in the living room and why that prompted yesterday's entry. And then I thought 'Why bother? You know all about that. It is part of Your plan for my life. If You want to change any of it, You can do that in a heartbeat.'

Did I mention I may be a fatalist? Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be. Taken in the context of one who knows and loves You, I simply hold my hand up and say, "From Your hand, Father." Only from You will I take this, but I will always take it from You. I don't know if that is being a true fatalist. Anyhow, back to thinking about writing all that was troubling me down, if I related just an exact sequence of events and words, it doesn't cast some in a very good light. Your children, Lord, don't need any more bad publicity.

Love bears all things--buries in silence. Thank You for old age.

On a happier note, rain is coming our way. I will go to town shortly and cash my check and buy Thanksgiving fixings. Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July are my favorite holidays. Not many myths to junk them up. 1s was turned off on the 4th of July, but since we have never known exactly when he stepped into Your presence, that date does not have the sting it could have. Thank You for that.

Thanksgiving does not have all the possibilities for disappointment that Christmas does. No money for presents, no time for family, no patience for chaos--all those can interrupt and make a disaster of what is built up in our minds. Thanksgiving--a special meal, a few more family members, thankfulness to a good God--not much can go wrong with that if one keeps one's expectations low.

What shall be on the menu?

Turkey, with dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy

Cranberry relish--ground fresh cranberries, one orange, walnuts, and sugar.

Green beans with bacon and onion.

Pickles and olives.

Celery stuffed with pineapple-cream cheese and with bacon-pimento spread.

Sweet potatoes, but not with the custard like at Christmas-maybe candied yams instead.

Rolls, cranberry jelly, punch, pie.

2d bought a pecan and a cherry pie. Maybe I shall cut up the deck pumpkin and make some more.

Creamed corn and oysters with crushed soda crackers on top. Who will be the participants?

Everyone but the 2 grand-daughters who will not be with their dad until the weekend. But they will be all here for Christmas dinner this year. Their dad may work Thanksgiving Day since he does that for the workers who have families when he doesn't have the girls. 1d works until 2 but we always have dinner 3 or later. I'll get the Noritake out and the good silver. 2d may want to use her Royal Doulton. If so, that will be fine.

And You.


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