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2001-11-13 - 1:39 p.m.

I can see!!

I can see!!-----------

Sure enough, got both pair of glasses fixed. I spent about $35 to do all this but I can not afford the $200 to get new glasses yet. Must make a mental note to be more careful taking off my clothes. No more taking off turtleneck sweaters with my glasses still on!!

Spent some of the day with 1d and then took d to the barber. He is still having trouble with kids at school and I don't see any way this is going to change at least where he is..the whole situation is putting 1d between a rock and a hard place which is where she will meet You, isn't it? Thank You for Your faithfulness to her. Most of the time, You were only able to change me when my children were involved. The picture of the Good Shepherd always reminds me of this. How does a shepherd get a ewe to follow? He picks up her lamb.

While d was at the barber, I went to the Youth Ranch and found an almost new copy of Passion and Purity for 25 cents. What a buy! I think I will give it to the church library along with Commandos for Christ that I also found. I was almost afraid to open P and P for fear of what I would find written on the fly leaf. I have given so many copies to graduates, and I know most will not be read at the time of giving, but perhaps will be there in a time of need. It is such a radical difference from the mores of our present time and yet it is true and You still bless the truth. I never knew it in my own life, and the results of following the truth of P and P do not always end up in storybook endings, but the end is true.

The times are getting scary especially for those of us who have chosen to stand on absolutes of Your Word. It reminds me of a flock of birds. The different one is not allowed to survive. And we will not be allowed to survive either. Give us grace and strength to stand and having done all, to stand.


EE's devotional

newAutumn Leaves

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