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2001-11-12 - 12:29 p.m.


NOT NOT NOT----------------

I do NOT have to read every journal on the web. I do NOT have to read every journal I have bookmarked. I do NOT have to add more journals to my favorites. NOT NOT NOT -----BAD BAD BAD BAD k---

Besides that, I broke my glasses and I can hardly see to write. I could not get to the guy who welds them on a Saturday so went to Kmart and got a pair of reading glasses 2.50's, then discovered while I could see to read and get along at the 2 to 20 foot distance, I could not read. That is truly a disaster of epic proportions!!!!!!!!!!!

I put an old pair of granny glasses in front of my new reading glasses and could read fairly well, so when I got up to go to my last night of work, I took the grannies along. Couldn't read some of the lab sheets of the gals I was breaking or training so I put on the grannies. Felt like a real dork but made do. I shall go in soon to get mine welded as well as my backup pair welded.

Had all the grands in church. The last time that was a disaster, since a couple of them are not church-broken, even with notebooks and pencils, so I tried something different. I told them I wanted them to write down the scriptures used and 5 sentences about what they heard, and I would give prizes. Naturally I have to make sure each entry gets a prize.

It succeeded beyond my wildest expectations and I hope they will continue to take these kinds of notes. I am going to put the papers into an album. What a priceless treasure!! Naturally, the road between what the speaker said, what I heard and what they each wrote down was very bumpy, but most of what they wrote was very accurate. Each one described things uniquely. Even my little non-scholar did very well and was quite proud of what she had written.

Hey, all of you journallers out there, stop being so darned interesting. I have got more things to read now and grands gotta come first!!!


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