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2001-10-31 - 11:16 a.m.


Waiting---- The repair man should be here today, so I can't go to sleep. The pump on the washing machine is wonky again. I think I'll watch this time and do my own repair next time. This pump thing is what happens most.

Went back to work last nite, and got new lab jackets at the close of shift. Also had new rules and procedures to find out about. It is alot like school. I realized then that it was too easy to lay more rules on the kids, and soon they were overwhelmed. It is alot easier to add a blanket rule than to deal with a problem one on one. It avoids a lot of confrontation, but it also adds weighty burdens to people who are already trying their best.

I often look back at the school time with sadness. I loved supervising in an ACE school, especially the teens. The curriculum and the paperwork was always engrossing and if one had to put up with students--oh well. That is a joke, ok? I remember well, in the very first year that the school opened(1980) we 3 workers were doing the gripe thing about various and sundry kids and happenings. Pastor H gently but firmly reminded us, 'Ladies, remember, the kids are the reason you are here.' Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Some one much wiser than I am said that many years ago under Your inspiration!

In any case, I often long for that work, but not in the conditions the last few years were. At least in the lab the rules may be piled on, but not with eternal consequences.

I missed the meeting last nite. Spent much of the day putting the deck to bed for the winter, and was beat. I knew that if I tried to go and then work, I'd be in trouble. Haven't talked to 2d yet, but will tonite.

The repairman is here so I may get to sleep so I can go for the final nite. D has gone every nite and so has 2d. He won't get to go tonite probably. because he and 800 went hunting. It blesses my heart to see them doing things together.

I have had an eerie feeling of doom the last few days. Not one of fear, but just one of impending change and not for the better for all. I am not prescient at all, so this may just be the result of the last 2 months' happenings and the expectation of more, but I feel the need to prepare to meet You and to make sure those I care about know the way Home. You know how I love You and that dying or flying holds no dread for me, but You also know that I love life, so I am content to stay or go. With You, either way, how can I lose?


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