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Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2004 - 10:02 a.m.

OK Autumn Leaves!

Wow, a clear conscience at last. I finally had to resort to an "a href" addition to my template, I never could find the html for the AL logo. Much thanks to this friend for that little trick.

Cyber friends are a funny lot, in my book, anyway. 'Course I am a very low maintenance friend and onesided friendships are my favorite ones. Heh, heh, little play on words there. Many of those I term my cyber friends have never heard of me and probably never will. I am the unknown lurker at their journals, but I visit every day, rejoice at their successes, blanch at their gaffes and, just in general, make them a part of my life. Some are very like me, but others inhabit a world I will never know. Some hold philosophies and beliefs very similar to mine, but others hold such widely disparate views that I don't know whether we could ever relate to each other in the real world. An invisible aura would hover over each of us that would drive the other away as surely as a clove of garlic drives away the vampire! That is why I love the cybe world, I guess. It gives me a chance to realize the validity of each one, regardless of how far away from my world that one is. While never agreeing with that one's ideology, I can still, receive their feelings about their life and recognize our commonality. Just this week, I have added to my favorites list, 2 gals that hold positions at the opposite ends of the spectrum from me. Will I keep them on that list? Possibly. There are some there that fit the same description that I have visited for a long time. But while they are on my list, I will peek in and see the parts of them that they allow to be viewed, and, in the process, know once again that we are all so far away from You in our natural state that only the death of Your Son could make a way of reconciliation. Thank You for that way.


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