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Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004 - 10:49 a.m.

Scary thoughts

We who know Your Son as our Saviour, who say "Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly," who are longing for our Homegoing in the twinkling on an eye, are living way too comfortably in America and in most parts of the world. In America, we should be earnestly praying for a Democratic win, to hasten the moral breakdown of this country and bring us under persecution for believing the Bible and trying to live it out in our lives. That sounds like a feasible way to speed up things. But people far more committed than we are, far more spiritual and worthy, have already suffered and died believing just what we do, and death was the only deliverance. Instead, You will give us what we need, as You always do. II Peter still says it well, " ...submit.. for the Lord's sake, ..unto them who are sent by Him for the punishment of evildoers, or for the praise of them that do well."
"For there is no power but of God." Romans 13. I am content.

All my life is 'Father-filtered'. Nothing happens but what is filtered through Your love and will for me, and only from Your Hand will I take it. The tears I shed and the joys I know, they are all from You, and all for me. That sounds so self-centered, and it is, because You are my God, and I am Your child. And not mine only, but everyone's who has been born again into Your kingdom. Even so.....


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