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Saturday, Oct. 23, 2004 - 10:59 a.m.

Wrong Day

This is Saturday, but it is not bed-day, it is dogdoodooday. All the neighbors with dogs have let them out for the day. It is raining, and instead of staying nicely beside their owners while the owners do Saturday yard work, they are ranging the neighborhood leaving gifts for the neighbors who do not have dogs. 800 says maybe we will get 2 big dogs because he thinks the game is 'whoever has the most toys, wins'. I think the game is called 'escalation'. I think this is where that part about turning the other cheek is supposed to be practiced. In any case, instead of having a lovely hedonistic day centered around me, me, me, I have been trotting around the yard with my trusty shovel.

Oh, well, I had already decided that every day is a bed-day for me now. I do have to be up and dressed before 9 am so the kitties don't get too stressed, but 800 likes to cook his own breakfast around 5 or 6, and I can read or watch TV then. Then, if I have no homework, I can do the same unless it is one of my 3 afternoons to attend school. I do housework whenever it needs doing, can put off cleaning the garage indefinitely (I have already done that for 3 years now)and have very little of anything else scheduled for big parts of the day. So a be3d-day isn't really as necessary as the years when I raised children, worked at school, or in the lab. Lucky me.


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