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Monday, Oct. 11, 2004 - 10:26 a.m.

Schedule from Heck

Midterm in geology on Tuesday. I can still just tell pretty rocks from ugly ones, and am wading around in the deep murk of intrusive vs extrusive, felsic vs mafic, Bohr's something or other, 6 types of volcanoes, 6 types of explosions, 4 steps of sedimentation, AIIIII!!! Lots and lots of facts, all of which will come out in good time when needed in casual conversation, but poured out on the test page? Fat chance. See, that's why you do ALL the bonuses, kdip. Oh, yeah.

Midterm in Library something or other Friday. Same song, second verse, just books instead of rocks. Hey, they both end in ks! It's a sign! Yup, that kdip is getting old.

Lesson plan due Friday in Children's lit. That is mainly done in a very rough Word document with lots of cut and paste to do. (I never imagined I'd finally be able to use that phrase in a context that involved actual in-progress work)(LATER O frabjious day! Calooh! Calay!' I just finished the lesson plan and sent it in over the internet. But guess what? Our third paper due in December is a 3 week lesson plan. Woe, woe, woe!!! Lessons plans do not appeal to me. That is why I was never interested in being a teacher. Oh, the kids, too.

Annotated Bibliography, APA style, with five entries, topic Online learning, in Information Literacy due Friday, one of the few classes I can remember the actual name of, today at least.

Regular Geology homework due on Thursday, plus any bonus that may accompany it.

Then the whole routine starts again. Help, Father!.

One step at a time. Here a little, there a little, precept upon precept, line upon line.

Personal life-duh, what's that? Oh, yeah, that is what you have when you are not an aging Avoidance Queen.

Election-let's vote today. We already know who we want to vote for, both sides. Don't confuse us with facts or issues.

Future-that is the one bright spot. The only one I have is with You


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