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Monday, Sept. 27, 2004 - 1:10 p.m.


I can't believe the guts this guy has! It is easy to say what we think but a lot harder to put our jobs on the line, along with alot of other valuable stuff. Take care of it, Father. I think there are going to be many more sacrifices like this pretty soon. Sometimes I wonder what people think they mean when they say they are a Christian. Do they mean that they live in America, a Christian nation? (that label is no longer valid, I think). Do they mean that they believe there is someone called God, who had a son called Jesus Christ? Does that have anything at all to do with how they think about what He said about all the issues in our lives. Can you believe there is someone called God and deliberately ignore or disobey all the thngs He said? How many things Can you disregard before you are no longer a Christian? I am an American, I live in America. If I lived in Canada, I would still be an American, because I would still belong to America. I could decide I did not want to be an American anymore, and do some legal stuff to be something else. If the new kittens were born in the oven, would they be muffins? Maybe cookies? Life is confusing.


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