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Thursday, Sept. 23, 2004 - 10:58 a.m.

See Kdip run-pic

Run, kdip. Run, run, run.

OK. That's what I am doing. Trying to get 2 or 3 Geography tests done a week. I can only keep the videos out overnight or weekends, so that means sometimes I have to check them out twice but I am about half done. Preparing assignments for 2 internet classes. That means doing required reading then posting papers or adding 'substantive' posts to discussion boards, complete with MLA citations (but I am getting lots better at that). Keeping up with Geology. The labs are the worst, especially identifying rocks. I feel about 15 again. You know, where everyone shows off by saying what kind of car is going by. Hey, there's a Chrysler--a 56 Chev---Buick V-8--Hupmobile--. The only ones I could ever get right were Fords. And maybe that is just because there were so many of them that I had to guess right once in a while. Rocks are the same way. I have to practice practice practice, but the bad thing about practice is I don't know the answers and have to have the results checked by the teacher which leaves lots of room for ridicule right now. BUT I am going to improve!! Right along with sorting out the pretty rocks from the ugly ones, I have to try to do as many bonuses as possible to make up for when my deficiencies start to show up big time. It is good to have to be stretched once in a while. Since I don't often put myself in places to be stretched, it is just a little uncomfortable right now....And I did this voluntarily.

The only good thing is that I will have the Science and Lab done. Even tho this is not my forte, and I don't believe a lot of what I am learning, it is being done by a teacher who offers the bonuses that will help me through it. Keep telling me that, kdip. I still have to take one more Science. It will probably have to be Astronomy which will be just as bad in some ways. Since my learning style depends on having to puzzle something out in order to succeed, these subjects are extra hard. Anyway, go, go, go. Try to keep up and just a little ahead in case of emergencies.

I thought one had happened day before yesterday. I woke with my right hand swollen badly and puffed tight on the back and very dark with bleeding under the skin from the wrist area all the way to the base of the fingers. The swelling has gone down a bit today, but the purple has extended half way to the finger knuckle, all around the base of the thumb on one side and around to the palm on the other. I was going to go to the doctor, but when I closed my hand in the heavy patio door and hurt in just about the same place, I realized I must have done that and didn't notice or remember. Probably just broke a blood vessel which bled out because I take so much ibuprofen (3 tabs a day) Nothing a doc can do but say stop with the blood thinning for a bit, and I can do that myself. The swelling is gone down alot today, there are even wrinkles again, but it looks like I have a little purple mitten on with the fingers cut out. Nobody has noticed it, and I think I will live.

Stop, stop, kdip. Stop and smell the roses.


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