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Tuesday, Jun. 22, 2004 - 3:14 p.m.

Again and again and again

Today is about the fifth time I have tried to put the Autumn Leaves logo on my template as instructed when I was admitted to AL. Failure once more. I get feeling guilty and try again having forgotten that I couldn't do it the last time I felt guilty.

It was our first really hot day yesterday and that was only for a while. When the car window is down and the sun makes the skin on my arm burn, I know it is pretty warm. But maybe it is because the sun is at its zenith. I went to class, visited 1d and her family, picked up some groceries and dropped off a completed form at the Job Service.

Today I vacuumed and did light housekeeping, nothing much. It smells like birds down here. Little guys are being born. Some are no bigger than my thumb and 800 is busy building them a future home. I finally am on the way to getting the 401k rolled over. We can't do much more on the water until it is in a local bank. The back yard looks like the battle ground for some very big moles.

I think I shall make some tapioca pudding this afternoon. I love tapioca pudding. Egg, milk, sugar and dry tapioca turn into such a delicious treat. Ready made tapioca at restaurants and grocery stores just can't compare. 1d wants us to take her Maine coon cat. I am not sure it is purebred but she is big and has the distinctive nose and ears. She is already spayed and house broken and is very friendly. She will have to make her peace with the rest of the felines. That is if 1d can find her. She was missing when they went out to littletown yesterday.


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