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Monday, Mar. 01, 2004 - 9:15 a.m.

A new month

Can't believe February is gone already. It had 5 Sundays. That is unusual for the longer months, let alone this little short one. I haven't spent much time on the internet that wasn't connected to school. Finished my unplanned online course and think I did well. We'll see. Did horribly in my first English essay. Did a rewrite trying to get a clear thesis statement. Sure would like to bring the score up a few points.

Math, library and speech are going very well so I can't complain. I won't even delve into my philosophies about some college fields, but recent events comfirm even more my belief that Christians should not send their kids to secular colleges for any reason unless their kids are spiritual giants and armed to the teeth with their Ephesians 6 equipment.

I am also going to stay silent about the pastor of the church I attend resigning and taking a church in NC again. Lots of sad little stories in this event that don't need retelling. Sometimes I am very thankful that the girls and I are very low maintenance friends and don't get involved much.


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