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Thursday, Nov. 06, 2003 - 2:25 p.m.


I just haven't felt like writing here for a while. Perhaps it is a little bit of depression from the plant closing. I don't feel depressed that I know of. Just a deep feeling of relief that I don't have to work in pain anymore. I started my first classes this week. Have already learned new things about Windows and Word that I didn't know. That is what I was hoping for. I have done lots of things on computers but have never known just exactly how to get there or why. By guess or by golly is the way I usually approach a new endeavor and it would be nice to know where I was going right from the start and not have to try sixty-leven different ways, forgetting in the meantime which one worked.

I haven't been able to sleep the whole night through yet, but that is ok. Just like my nights off or layoffs. I just turn the light on, get out my book and read til I am sleepy again. I am starting to see little islands of sanity around the house and that is nice. One thing I have realized is that folks with a steady income have way too many things. A little thingy here and a little thingy there and pretty soon the whole house is cluttered. Too many dishes, too many pens, too many gadgets. Too, too, too many. The only things you can't have too many of is food and books. Of course books are my choice of things to pile up in abundance, but food can always be eaten over time.

Speaking of food, I am cooking way too much. Lunch and supper are common events again. 800 always cooks his own breakfast, in the past because he was up early, just like he was when he worked and I did the breakfast. Now he gets up later, but still likes to cook breakfast, especially since I don't like to eat in the mornings. Tea, or cocoa and toast is plenty and then not til I have been up for a while. I got out the breadmaker and used it yesterday. I must make that a habit again. Went to Bible study last night, another habit I am glad to restart. It has been 23 years since I have been free in the fall, with no where to go at least once a day, either to school or to the lab. It is nice to be more unscheduled. Not less busy, just less structured.

I am thinking about taking as many classes as I can on the internet. But I had better start off slow to see if I can motivate myself. I know I bite off more that I can chew in many areas and I don't want to make that mistake with classes.


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