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Monday, Jul. 28, 2003 - 12:40 p.m.

Luck of the draw 2

When bus rider and dark haired girl wed, he did not get the better deal. That's what happens when one steps out of the will of the Father. If bus rider had walked with the Lord till marriageable age, he probably would have gotten a tall blonde from a background much like his. In fact when bus rider got together with dark haired girl, in desperation his brother in law and wife set him up with such a tall blonde in an effort to get him away from the totally unsuitable choice he was making.

Bus rider wasn't attracted a bit at the time. He was completely enmeshed in the charms of a small dark girl from the wrong side of the tracks (if there had been any tracks in that tiny town)

By the time he came to his senses, many years had passed and many children had appeared. And besides that, there was that promise he'd made as a teen. On the other hand, dark haired girl has made the catch of a lifetime. Marriage had given her entrance into a family with a giant moral heritage, a mother in law and sisters in law who were determined to pray her into the 'Kingdom' a giant step out of her old class and into a new one. She could not have done better in a million and one different ways.

Not that the going was easy. Oh no, 2 people from such vastly different planets were bound to be in the middle of a lot of fire works, but always there was that promise-keeping God working in the middle of impossible situations. When at last bus rider was sorely bruised and battered from the rock and the hard place, he did what he knew all along he'd have to do--repented and 'set his face like a flint' to follow the Lord. Psalm 51 became the cry of his heart and he never looked back. The week he made that decision, big brother came and moved them west to work with him on a huge rented acreage of beans. Two months later, bus rider knew he needed to be set apart to study the Bible and that was the end of one story and the beginning of another for him.

But what about poor little dark haired girl? Talk about 2 different worlds. Now we were talking galaxies! She had known for several years now the road she needed to take, the changes and decisions she needed to make. The Cuban missile crisis scared her spitless. She filled the bath tub with water for the first time in a long career of preparing for disaster, but she knew if this was the end, the future for her was going to be very hot! But that was ok because she thought bus rider would be joining her. What a surprise to find out that he was heading in a different direction and had been for some time. Talk about hopping mad!!!

And you know what else---this guy was dragging her to church and had thrown her cigarettes away. The nerve of him!! The same 'Hound of Heaven' that had chased bus rider down was now hot on her trail.



I fled Him, down the nights and down the days;

I fled Him, down the arches of the years;

I fled Him, down the labyrinthine ways

Of my own mind; and in the mist of tears

I hid from Him, and under running laughter.

Up vistaed hopes I sped;

And shot, precipitated,

Adown Titanic glooms of chasm�d fears,

From those strong Feet that followed, followed after.

But with unhurrying chase,

And unperturb�d pace,

Deliberate speed, majestic instancy,

They beat -- and a voice beat

More instant than the Feet --

"All things betray thee, who betrayest Me."



Finally she stopped, turned around, and a new life began.


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