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Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2003 - 3:39 p.m.

An interlude in time

How big is God? While He was absorbed in planning the details of a meeting between a dark haired girl and a teen bus rider half a century ago, did He put the rest of the world on hold? Did the sun have to wait to come up the next morning, the sparrow have to stay in the air because He didn't have time to observe its fall? Hardly. Why, He was busy setting up more appointments right then.

Inside that squalid bus station, half a century ago, another little girl was waiting for His Hand in her life. She was blond and the same age as the dark haired girl. Her life was just as tragic, but maybe half a step up on the social scale. Her father likely knew the other father. In fact, they were likely up at the same bar, slumped over the same counter many a night. She would be left to tend any customers that came into the bus station.

She and the dark haired girl went to the same small schools but they did not know each other. That would not happen for many years and many miles. She grew up, asked Jesus to be her Saviour, went to nursing school then Bible school in Oregon, where she met a tall lanky fellow from the mountains of central Idaho. Some 15 or 20 years later, she and the dark haired girl found themselves attending the same church, visiting together at potlucks and Bible studies and watching their children grow up together as friends. The two women from the same small town never became close friends. They just weren't 'kindred spirits' in spite of having so many obvious ties, but they respected each other and watched the tendrils of their lives often intertwine. Two of their daughters became best of friends, two more daughters, too small to play softball, spent summer evenings giving other children at the ball park Scripture tracts and telling them of the Saviour. Two of their children were even briefly engaged to each other. And two more share ownership of a motor boat.

As the years passed, the blond girl and her husband watched their family grow up and move away, and finally they too moved away---far, far away to Alaska to be missionaries to the Eskimos.

You are very very big. No wonder You know how many hairs are on our heads.


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