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Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2003 - 1:08 p.m.

Not cranky

I've not been cranky for several days now. When I am not working I tend to let the medication level drop and then pay the price in lots of added pain. When I can stay down in my room the pain level is bearable but all running around I do with 1d and her family wreaks havoc with my schedule. We have managed quite well but there are little rough spots here and there. d is very anxious to get back to his own place and I don't blame him. There is not much social life here and sleeping in the top bunk above his mother and her CPAP machine is noisy. He keeps a fairly good spirit for an almost 15 year old. Baby e doesn't care where she is as long as mommy is there and she is the center of attention. she is well recovered from her bout with mono.

Their cat had 5 kittens the other day. When we went over there to do some laundy, she climbed up in my lap as I sat reading in the car. Just couldn't get close enough 2 different times, and this after days and days of ignoring me. I think there is an invisible sign on me that says 'Cat midwife'. Any way, I told 1d to put her in the house with a box and litter box and sure enough she had kittens the next morning.

1d had her meds changed yesterday. The seizure meds had dropped her white blood count way down. So today she is weaning off one and going on the other. It disorients her and hopefully will not bring on a seizure. Well, everyone is getting ready to make another trip to town. Oh, for the days when once a week was all I went!


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