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Monday, Apr. 07, 2003 - 11:55 a.m.

In Shock

There are words we never use at my house, at least the females don't and the males use some of them rarely. Bathroom words are right at the top of the list. So imagine my mental state after hearing one of my least favorite words twice yesterday.

One at the dinner table coming from the mouth of my littlest little. She spends alot of time at daycare and it is not that much of a surprise. I sttarted to remonstrate strongly and then just shut my mouth quickly. Mommy didn't say even one word of correction which isn't a big surprise. She is in a state of excusing and rationalizing bad behaviour at the moment, which state will come back and bite her in the backside as I well know. The reaction of the littlest was surprising. She realized immediately that she had committed a major faux pas and was so embarrassed she got tears in her eyes. That was a much better lesson than any amount of chastising.

The other occasion of hearing that dreadful word was in church from the mouth of one of the most rigid gals!! Right there in the interval between Sunday School and church service. Totally unembarrassed and unrepentant and unaware, she used 2 of kdipfamily unacceptable vocabulary words to describe the difference between husbands and chick flick heroes. I was already in such deep shock at discovering she even knew what a chick flick was, let alone watched them, that it saved me from rolling under the pew when the two words proceeded from her mouth.

It set me thinking once again that we never know what folks are truly like until we spend time in family situations with them. If anyone that knew me out in the world came into my home and saw how deep the dust is on the knick-knacks in the bedroom and in the utility room, they would certainly change their ideas of me. And if they went into the garage, they might even bring back the habit of 'shunning'.

The dust doesn't bother me but the condition of the garage does. Always in the past, since we use it for storage instead of parking now, I have cleaned it in the spring and late fall. It gets cluttered in between but I didn't even touch it once last year and it is truly horrible now. I MUST MUST MUST do something once the weather warms up, maybe 2 weeks from now if we get a few days off from work.


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