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2003-02-21 - 9:44 a.m.


I have been awesome 2 nights in a row! Finally mastered the positive release on the computer at work. All the pieces are finally coming together. In fact, I even taught the team leader how to do it. Talk about the blind leading the blind, but we learned together and had lots of laughs. I always know how much work it is going to be for me to learn a new thing but if I just hang in there it finally clears up. Sometimes I wish I were more of a show-me learner instead of a book learner, but as long as I have an instruction book or notes, I don't have to worry about forgetting.

There are still new things that come up that I have no experience to figure out, but if I can't come up with a solution, I just wait for the next shift. I am glad to get some experience with a spread sheet also. I have meant to experiment around at home with graphs and other such things but there is always something more fun to do.

Now I have to run into town quickly to cash checks since it is Friday, and then to bed.


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